Tattoo Designs That You Should Definitely Avoid & Not Get for Your Next Ink

Maybe Intentional

There’s no denying that the degree of cringe in this photo is quite high. While it’s definitely cringe-worthy, this tattoo design looks like it was planned. Despite carefully planning her next tattoo design, it seems like this lady achieved nothing but a wonderful mix of tattoo irony.

You could argue that the artist or tattoo designer could plainly see the space he had to work with. With this in mind, there are high odds that this lady got quite big. As a result, the Gothic letters inked on her eight fingers are one of the saddest jokes we’ve seen. It’s also one that would last forever, and this lady would often be reminded that getting this tattoo design wasn’t a great idea after all.

Wake Me Up When The Tattoos End

This tattoo design should be a perfect tattoo idea if you’re a big fan of the famous rock band Green Day. This guy must certainly love Green Day as he managed to tattoo all three members of the band on his back. The only problem is that the three faces tattooed on this guy’s back look nothing like Green Day’s band members.

The only reason why we know this guy’s a huge Green Day fan is because of the words “Green Day” at the bottom. When it comes to the faces, we have no idea if the tattoo artist even knows the band. One could argue that these faces look like Vince Vaughn, some random guy, and Chuck Norris. This guy deserves credit for his idea, but his tattoo artist certainly ruined it all.

Guilty of Good Taste

We can’t deny that there are a lot of terrible tattoos on this list, but this next design certainly isn’t one of them. Through our expert criticism, we can easily conclude that this design is quite well-done. It certainly deserves credit for being incredibly eye-catching, and we can’t argue that this design is one of the unique tattoo designs we’ve ever seen.

Despite being well-made, we can’t help but feel that this design is the kind of tattoo design that you might want to cover. Maybe a long-sleeved shirt could do the trick or anything that would keep it away from plain sight. The only time this guy should bust this tattoo out is whenever he’s at a barbecue.

More Meat

This next tattoo design is another one of the worst tattoo ideas you must never put on your body. While some may argue that this design is creative, one cannot deny that the thought behind it is quite childish. It’s almost as if a four-year-old is expressing his/her love for beef, chicken, and pork. The only problem is that this design will last for an entire lifetime.

Some might even argue that this “creative” tattoo design is incredibly mouth-watering. However, if you love your body, it wouldn’t take a tedious amount of investment planning to figure out that this design is one that you must avoid at all costs. We love meat, but we don’t think we have the guts to ink this design on our bodies.

Maybe Marilyn Monroe

This tattoo design would easily take credit as one of the creepiest-looking tattoos we’ve seen. It certainly looks like they tattooed a face of a woman on their arm. Or, you could argue that this design results from molding an eggplant into the shape of a face. We’d commend this person for the idea, but then again, the execution just wasn’t there at all.

When you take reference from popular culture, you could argue that this tattoo is a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe. The only problem is that she looks like she got into a fistfight with Mike Tyson. We certainly hope that this person has an idea that there are ways to remove an unwanted tattoo.

One of Those Early Styles

We’re not quite sure what this person thought when this design was inked on their body. We’re also not certain where this person managed to ink this design on their body! Hopefully, they placed it somewhere they could easily hide or conceal. Despite being weird, we can’t deny that it has some degree of contemporary coolness if you look at it long enough.

When it comes to being correct, this tattoo design looks like it won’t work as a bike. It also doesn’t look all that comfortable to ride in. However, we’re pretty confident that this design is small, and it should be easily covered by any piece of clothing. This person must’ve wanted something contemporary inked on their body all along.

He’s Finally Emerged From His Cocoon

Everyone should have the opportunity to look their best. In this case, this worker was able to do his best, and at the end of the day, he was able to call himself a beautiful butterfly. We’ve seen a fair share of tramp stamps before, but we’d never guessed that we’d see it on a guy like this.

We’re not sure if this guy wanted people to see his tramp stamp. However, it’s almost as if he wanted people to see his ink by wearing an incredibly short shirt. As if that wasn’t enough, he also wore loose pants. Nonetheless, this guy deserves credit for his bravery in getting this tattoo, and we hope that this butterfly continues to fly high.

Maybe Try Some Deodorant

We haven’t seen a ton of armpit tattoos, and we certainly know why. This woman managed to get a food armpit tattoo, and they managed to add a personal thought to it. The only problem we have about this tattoo is that it looks like she’s broadcasting that she has a bad personal odor. Maybe she doesn’t smell bad, and she just really like onions.

Another scenario why this woman got an onion tattooed on her armpit is that her family must own an onion business or something. You could say that it’s her way of advertising her brand, and she’s an innovator when it comes to investment planning. One thing’s for sure. We certainly know that she’s more than committed to her brand.

Everybody’s Favorite

We understand that most people want to tattoo bands or even a brand to their body. What we don’t understand is why this person wanted to ink a design of a laundry machine to their body. One could argue that doing laundry is therapeutic and even relaxing. However, we can’t fathom why this guy got a tattoo of his washing machine.

You could say that this person must love doing laundry for them to go and get a tattoo of it. We certainly give credit to this person for getting a tattoo of something they love, but we can’t help but think that they didn’t separate the colors. It almost looks like a flashlight pointing at a prism.


We’ve seen a good number of hilarious tattoos, but we do not think we’ll ever have the guts to make fun of this design. The tattoo is already self-referential, and it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t like it here. This person certainly took matters into their own hands, and you could say that our work here is done.

This guy certainly deserves credit for being incredibly honest with himself. On the bright side, this tattoo looks like it isn’t real. It almost looks like it’s the result of kids playing around with a marker. However, it’s highly unlikely as there’s some sort of flair added to the design. We hope that this tattoo won’t be a source of life-long regret for this guy.

What’s the Tradition, Exactly?

We don’t know what this guy was thinking, but it looks like he tattooed a mustache on his face. It isn’t a solid line and that’s the only thing. The guy got a tattoo of the phrase ” family tradition” to act like a mustache. Perhaps his fellow family members all sport big and bushy mustaches, and it’s this guy’s way of joining in on the tradition.

Despite the creativity, we can’t help but think that this design is a little too far off from his style. When we look at this design, we need to ask the question “What’s the exact tradition?”. There are a lot of tattoos that would take credit for being the most questionable designs we have seen, but this one easily takes the cake.

Still Acting Like A Monkey

This tattoo design is one that Charles Darwin would approve of. However, his approval might be all that this person will get out of this tattoo. We certainly have no idea why this person decided to permanently ink the classic “Evolution of Man” on his body.

Despite being clueless as to why, we’d give this person credit for this tattoo design. It features a minimalistic design with a simple line-drawing style. The only problem we have with it is that aging and wrinkles will turn this classic into something that’s unrecognizable in the future. We certainly hope that this guy took that into account when he thought of this tattoo idea and before he got it inked on his body.

The Konami Kid

This tattoo is very gaming-related, but it’s one that requires a certain amount of thinking to understand. While it may, to some degree, seem like a simple concept, there are hidden elements of the design that need to be understood to gain maximum enjoyment.

In case you’re wondering, this particular tattoo design is the Konami code. The Konami code granted a bevy of extra lives in the iconic 80s video game Contra. This young woman must have been a huge Contra fan back in the day. It also looks like she’s got a baby bump, and that this tattoo design represents pregnancy and giving birth as an extra life. We certainly hope that this young woman enjoys motherhood!


Sweet Feet Treats

Maybe it’s just my generation, but I really don’t understand people’s fascination with buying expensive sneakers. This man was so into the trend that he even got his favorite brand tattooed on his foot. But, of course, there is also the possibility that this man is a genius, and he didn’t want to spend those hefty investments on new sneakers, opting for the cheaper alternative instead. I mean, a single-colored tattoo of that size is way more affordable than any Jordans. He really went all-in with the ‘Just Do It’ catchphrase.

Nonetheless, the tattoo even looks poorly done and the design seems to be smudged. Fortunately for him, unless he wears flip-flops all the time, that tattoo really won’t be visible.

Sometimes, These Are Just Too Easy

The irony on this one is too strong. I can’t really tell if I want to feel pity or just outright laugh at this design. I’m also quite sure that the tattoo artist credited for inking this knew exactly what he was doing. And he just couldn’t help but mess with this cool guy. But, on the other hand, maybe the guy wearing the tattoo also has a sense of humor, and this was all intended.

Nonetheless, that is quite the commitment to get such a juvenile tattoo design. Is he a hipster? Even so, the drawing of the bus is so bad and looks immature. This is one of the reasons why our parents always hammer us about going to school.

A Six-Pack on a Keg

This next photo shows how much people love to have fun and drink beer. Actually, this person might just have had too much fun for his sake. He has a six-pack tattooed on his beer belly. Now that might just be one of the most American things I have ever seen. His buddies on NASCAR race day weekends must credit him for being clever enough to come up with such a brilliant tattoo.

To be honest, the tattoo isn’t too bad. My only issue with it is that it also looks like an engine. It took me a while to figure out it was a six-pack, but maybe that’s just me. On the upside, that guy will always have cans of beer with him.

The Name is Also the Quality

I’d rather have any of the badly designed tattoos than have this one inked on my back. In fact, it’s hard to believe what made this woman get this backpiece. She may have lost a bet? However, there’s also the possibility that she’s interested in poo.

Nonetheless, that tattoo is surely one of the worst investments she has taken in her life. Just imagine her showing that tattoo to her date. That would be a serious red flag, in my opinion. And people always say that tattoos say a lot about your personality. That being said, I can only guess what this girl is like. Hopefully, that’s a temporary tattoo. Because if it isn’t, then damn — she’s out of luck.

All Dads Have This

Gotta love a guy with a good sense of humor. And the guy on this one certainly has one. You also have to give him credit for his exceptional creativity and overall bravery to commit to that tattoo. Maybe this man also had a troubled childhood, and he was taught to always watch his back. Well, he certainly wouldn’t have any problems watching his own back now.

While most of us, I’m sure, would not even think about getting a design like this tattooed on the back of our heads, we have to admit that it is pretty funny. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy is good with children — and if kids have a good laugh every time they see him. The tattoo even has eyebrows. It’s amazingly detailed!

Who Did This to Her?

Have you ever experienced being so drunk to the degree of passing out? And then, when you wake up, you find out that your friends played a prank on you and drew random art on your body. Well, this lady has that type of backpiece. To be honest, her tattoo looks fake, and we can only hope that it is. The quality is so poor that the colors look like they’re drawn with crayons.

If her friends did play a prank on her, well, there is the possibility that she deserved it. On the other hand, she should get her money back if this is ever a real tattoo. Let’s hope that this poor girl had her tattoos fixed or at least covered.

Kind of Don’t Know What to Say

This next tattoo design is easily one of the worst on the list of bad tattoo designs. The sad part is that he chose to have it inked on his forearm, where everyone can see it. But, on the other hand, perhaps we can credit him with his conviction about his tattoo of choice. After all, it is his body, and he can do whatever he wants with it.

Mermaid tattoo designs aren’t uncommon. Some of the toughest sailors and bikers can be seen wearing this style of design. On the other hand, I’m speechless about how poorly made this one is. And you can’t hold it against the artist. That guy gave the go-ahead for it to be tattooed.

Loving it a Little Too Much

I’m still trying to figure out the next one. Why would anyone want a receipt tattooed on their arm? Maybe March 24, 2014, was a big day for him at McDonald’s? Perhaps it was his first date with his long-term crush, and this receipt represented the meal they shared? My head hurts just thinking about the reasons why anyone would pay for this tattoo.

This man must have gotten drunk that night after his McDonald’s visit for him to get this tattoo. To be that memorable, those cheeseburgers must have left quite an impression on him. I’m curious if he tried other fast-food restaurants, and if so if he kept the receipts. To some degree, we think we’ll be scratching our heads about this for a long time.

More Friends Wanted

We all know that most tattoos are inspired by the wearer’s deepest feelings. However, keep in mind that the design can sometimes speak louder than the meaning of a tattoo. Take a look at the next one. In my opinion, the lettering is so bad that it makes the person wearing it look creepy.

It is quite common to have the names of your loved ones tattooed on your body. The challenge is to have them inked and lettered by the artist. Some people prefer to make investments in designs that are as subtle as possible in order to make them more personal. On the other hand, this guy paid to have his loved ones tattooed on his leg.

Never Lose Your Shoes

Converse is the only shoe that has survived the tyranny of time, out of all the shoes produced in the early decades. These shoes, which first appeared in 1908, were designed to meet the needs of basketball players and die-hard fans. The first salesperson of the Chuck Taylor All-Star, or Chucks for short, was a basketball player. Over time, the company gradually increased its investments in other sports such as skateboarding, weight lifting, and many others.

In this photo, one man, clearly a fan of these classic shoes, has them tattooed on his foot. In-frame is only one foot, we are not sure if the same applies for his other foot, However, we are certain that he will never lose this shoe.

In the Face of Adversity

We often associate the word “courage” with acting bravely in the face of life-threatening situations. However, as one grows older, courage becomes more about being able to choose between being a coward and being reckless. Being courageous is more than being reckless; it is a way of dealing with fear. It is the ability to do what is right and righteous even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Courage can manifest itself in a variety of ways.Getting up every day and swimming through the waves of life is the greatest form of courage for some. Simply put, going through life will necessitate a great deal of bravery. In this snap, one guy decided to have his favorite quote on courage tattooed on his arm.

Spell Check Next Time

While most people get tattoos to remember a loved one or to be reminded of a life quote, we can’t deny that there are some people who would rather spend their investment money on a flashy piece. It makes them feel good, after all. It’s possible that the woman in the photo intended to draw attention to herself when she chose to have her tattoo inked on her chest.

It’s not that her tattoo is ugly; it’s actually very detailed. Regrettably, the lack of a spell check makes it hilarious. She is “Finaly Famous” because she omitted one letter in her phrase. Her neck and collarbone piercings are also noteworthy. They appear to draw attention to the poorly phrased phrase.

It Looks… Familiar

Even if this tattoo design appears to be familiar, you can’t deny how poorly designed it is. To be fair to the tattoo artist, perhaps that guy wanted that tattoo to be designed exactly that way. After all, it is his investment money, and the artist has no choice but to follow. Nonetheless, the design appears to have been created by an eight-year-old.

On the other hand, perhaps that guy has an eight-year-old child and wanted his child’s drawing tattooed on him. That type of design, I’m sure, isn’t uncommon among tattoo enthusiasts. However, I can’t get over how droopy that blueberry’s face is, as if it drank a bottle of whisky. Its feet are even facing backward, which makes the design more awkward.

The Music Lover

Of the most bizarre and well-designed tattoos we have seen, this one surely stands out among the rest! While most of us would go for something literature-related or a symbol that reminds us of something, this individual decided to be tattooed with the bands he’d seen live and the year of their concert. This is probably one of the best decisions the individual has made since concerts have been temporarily halted because of the present situation. For music lovers, this tattoo would surely attract some people and be the perfect icebreaker!

In the tattoo, the person has gone to the shows of Green Day and Three Days Grace, which are one of the earliest rock bands. Let’s hope everything normalizes so we can make investments in live shows again.

A Big Regret

Tattoos are becoming increasingly popular in the modern era. Most teenagers nowadays are eager to get tattoos because they appear to attract more attention and are more trendy; however, they do not appear to consider the long-term effects of these. Teens today should be aware of the consequences of modifying their skin; it is more than just a matter of appearance. It is important to credit that there is a risk of disease transmission, being underage, and certain connotations associated with having a permanent piece of art implanted in one’s body.

Some symbols can associate you with a specific group, whereas other tattoos, especially bad ones, can only harm your reputation. This guy, for example, was tattooed with “NO REGERTS.” Another investment squandered.

Beauty Personified

Getting your favorite movies tattooed is not a bad idea – indeed, it’s a good idea. You should, however, choose carefully which of your favorite films to have tattooed on you. This next one is certainly one-of-a-kind, and he must have a strong bond with Mask’s Eric Stoltz to confidently have his face inked on his bicep. At the same time, we can’t even credit the tattoo artist with drawing Stoltz well.

This tattoo is a prime example of why you should choose your tattoo artist with care. Each artist has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s clear that this one isn’t very good at drawing faces. Stoltz’s face is already unappealing, so the artist should at least get the proportions right.

Go Ahead and Make Fun of It

Mike Tyson is unquestionably one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time. During his prime, he was a knockout machine, and everyone feared him. The man even had a pet tiger. In 2003, before his fight with Clifford Etienne, he decided to make the life-long investment of getting a face tattoo.

The tribal tattoo may appear absurd, but Tyson believes it demonstrates his warrior status. I wouldn’t argue with this warrior, no matter how bad that tattoo appears to be. If nothing else, the face tattoo suits him. And I doubt anyone would disagree with him, at least not to his face. The boxer has matured, and the tattoo has become his signature style.

Are There Bad Tattoos?

Aaron Carter was a teen and young adult favorite during the 1990s, and he was one of the first pop and hip hop icons. He is well-known for his explosive stage performances as well as his studio albums. Aaron Carter’s debut album climbed to the top of the charts in several European countries. Later, he claimed to have sold over a hundred thousand copies of his album in the United States alone, and over a million copies worldwide. With so much credit at such a young age, this artist appears to have a bright future ahead of him.

Carter is well-known for his upbeat and energetic songs, as well as the large Medusa tattoo on the right side of his face.

Comfy Leather Chair

People get tattoos for a variety of reasons, including attracting attention, expressing freedom or rebellion, or displaying their personal narratives and cultural and religious reminders, among others. Some people have themselves inked for the rest of their lives to remind them of deceased family members or ancient maxims that they hold dear. Others, on the other hand, use tattoos to emphasize a particular aspect of their identity or affiliation with a particular group. Johnny Depp, the actor, even claimed that his body was his journal and that his tattoos were the words that made up his story.

In the following scenario, we don’t know what the individual’s motivations are. What about the tattoo? A comfortable leather chair with a footrest. We can, to some degree, assume that the person sure loves a life of comfort.

Did she merry him?

Nothing beats being with a loved one for happiness. Unfortunately, the death of a loved one is a natural part of life’s cycle. Getting a tattoo to commemorate their existence is one of the best ways to carry their memories. Whether it’s a small piece or a sleeve that covers one’s entire arm, investing in a tattoo is the way to go! Having something permanent to remember someone you love and admire can aid in the healing process and acceptance of their death.

On the other end of the spectrum, this man decided to propose to his girlfriend by tattooing her name. However, instead of ‘marry,’ the word “marry” was inked. We’re hoping she said yes! But, to some degree, we doubt she did.

In the Middle of Things

Tattooing is a difficult skill to master. As an artist, one must have a great degree of patience and skill. Tattooing is similar to music in that it has various genres to cater to the various tastes of different people. Getting permanent ink can be a concrete way of expressing one’s feelings or beliefs. To be able to blend different shapes and strokes, the tattoo artist must have a creative mind. While it may appear to be simple, the skin as a canvas is more complicated than paper. The finished product of tattooing is a combination of shapes, textures, and needle sizes.

Whether or not the next individual is serious about his tattoo, we can say that it takes a lot of wit and humor to pull off his tattoo design.

Dream Bigger

The phrase “No Dream is Too Big” is a very good quote that I’d like to use as a tattoo design. However, I know that you have to spell it correctly if you plan to tattoo it all over your chest. You could say that this person needs to think of a different way to talk about his dream!

There is no question that this guy felt a certain degree of regret after he got this tattoo. With this in mind, this tattoo design easily makes it on our list of most regrettable tattoos in history. Moreover, this person could have at least asked his artist to make sure that the tattoo was perfectly centered on his chest!

I’ve Got My Eye on You

It takes a certain degree of conviction to wear a face tattoo. And this lady certainly has the resolve to confidently wear a weird-looking face tattoo. In its own way, the design is unique at the very least. You certainly won’t see another woman with a big circle inked on half her face. And taking a closer look at the goofy design, it seems that the circle is connected to the line at the middle of her neck. Maybe it’s a full-body tattoo? That would be a trippy design if it were the case.

Seeing that the lady is a new mom, that baby will surely have an affinity to face tattoos. Let’s hope that the baby doesn’t choose a similar tattoo design when he or she grows up.


I’m hoping that this guy isn’t looking for work. There is no way a company would be confident enough to employ someone with a face tattoo like this one. To some extent, most of us cannot imagine having a checkered tattoo on our faces. In fact, if you look closely, the design completely encircles this guy’s head.

At the very least, this guy is consistent in his preferences. In his room, he even has checkered wallpaper. I’m curious if he dresses similarly. You can almost picture him wearing checkers from head to toe. Perhaps he enjoys chess and has a high Elo rating. You should never judge a book by its cover. Because judging books by their cover will get you nowhere.


Not the Brightest Star in the Sky

The expression on the girl’s face in this next one says a thousand words. It usually means disappointment. And, if I’m correct, she’s probably thinking about the bad decisions she’s made in her life that have led her to this point. Of course, there’s always the possibility that she’s on the phone with her boss and is about to be fired for that hideous face tattoo.

To the tattoo artist’s credit, the star designs aren’t too bad. But, as most of us would probably agree, the main issue is why that girl would choose to wear them on her face in the first place. I bet it only makes her look like she has bad skin from afar. Hopefully, the magic of makeup can cover those up for her sake.


The Great Wave

At the time when Katsushika Hokusai was 70 years old, he immortalized one of the most famous paintings ever made. In his compilation entitled Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji, Hokusai established his foothold as one of the most talented painters. The series is defined by blue pigments with the breathtaking Mount Fuji as the backdrop. The most recognized image from his set is the “Great Wave” where Mount Fuji stands behind a big wave. The piece was said to have influenced musicians such as Debussy and Rilke to a certain degree.

Apart from being featured in numerous exhibits, the Great Wave has made its way to the face of one man who went as far as to have this masterpiece inked on his face.


Nationalism in a Nutshell

While Australia is a continent, it is also a country in its own right. It is known as the “land down under” because it is located in the middle of the South Pacific and Indian Oceans (in the southern hemisphere). Australia is classified as an island because it is surrounded by water, but geographers classify the country like a continent due to its massive size. The continents of the world were thought to have evolved from a massive landmass, but as Australia gradually separated, the animals that inhabit it evolved to adapt to its unique landscape.

One man, who is perhaps proud of his country, decided to have a kangaroo and the commonwealth stars inked permanently on his chest. Australia should credit this guy for loving his country.

It’s the Thought that Counts!

In the vast spectrum of feelings, perhaps nothing is as grand and worth celebrating as love. It has become an integral part of humans that poems, songs, and works of art have manifested from that compendium of biochemical reactions in the body. Love goes beyond emotions, behaviors, and beliefs. To define this verb is to go beyond human comprehension. However, in the simplest sense, love is a feeling of emotional attachment to another or to different persons in our lives.

As humans, showing a degree of love toward other people is hard-wired in our systems. People show love in different ways. One man expressed love for his wife by having her tattooed on his arm. Despite meaning well, we can assume that the problem lies in the tattoo artist.

For the Love of Hamburgers

Hamburgers are among the most convenient foods to eat whether we are on the go or not! Whether upon waking up, for lunch, or for dinner, the glorified pieces of bread with meat in between, along with a side of fries, is the way to go. These hamburgers aren’t mere food, these are pieces of art: restaurants take pride in having specific ways of making their burgers stand out from the rest. Yup, a patty wrapped in cheese and two buns are the subject of people’s desires!

One man, who perhaps works at a hamburger junction or just a lover of them, got a permanent tattoo of a glimmering hamburger with an island as a backdrop. He deserves credit for taking big measures to express his love for food.

The Things People Do

As one of the most recognized rappers of recent times, Drake ‘s career started out in a relatively odd manner: he used to be one of the actors in the television series Degrassi: The Next Generation. Later on, he pursued his childhood dream of being a musician. He debuted by self-releasing a couple of mixtapes. As he progressed, he went on to release more albums such as Thank Me Later, Take Care, Nothing Was the Same, and Views. His themes often revolve around petty relationships with women and personal experiences.

One fan who idolizes the rapper so much decided to have his name tattooed on her forehead. Yup, you read that right. This is an investment only the biggest fans can do for their idols.

Avocados are Life

One of the most popular fruits around the world is the avocado. While it has different varieties, this wonder fruit often comes in a slightly oval shape with a rounded top; it is usually green and gradually transitions to brown when ripe. Avocado trees have a wide array of uses: as firewood, as natural dyes, and as herbal medicine. It is worth noting that its flesh is one of the most versatile and is packed with lots of nutrients such as vitamins A, B, and E along with a high concentration of good fat. An investment in avocados in your grocery list can bring major health benefits.

In this photo, a lover of this magical fruit decided to have it permanently inked on his skin.


Face To Face

There is perhaps no greater love than that of a father’s. Fathers get credit for giving the most unconditional and most sacrificial of all types of love. A clear example is a father willing to go through various jobs just to keep his family provided. While they may not show emotions as much as a mother does, fathers have their own ways of showing their immense love.

In the next photo, a father expressed his love for his child by having the child’s face tattooed on his face. His intention was probably good but the details appear to be too much. Had the child’s mother given him permission? Would the child be happy when he is of age and discovers what his father did?

Ignorance is Bliss

With over 54 different countries, Africa is the Earth’s most primitive populous continent and is said to be populated with over 1 billion people. It is worth noting that Africa takes credit for populating over 16% of the world; a huge portion of the world is influenced by this continent’s culture and roots. The countries within this continent are home of the oldest fossils of the earliest humans to have walked the Earth. Moreover, Africa is also where evidence of human evolution was unearthed.

With its rich history, it goes without saying that Africa is a fascinating continent. One woman who can’t contain her love for the country even had the map of Africa tattooed on her back with the words “once you go black you never go back.” Let’s hope her investment won’t backfire.

Pandas Munching

People who get a tattoo choose a design for its own meaning or significance. Sometimes, the design can serve as concealment for a previous design, just like this one. This guy clearly has a somewhat Hindu character tattoo that’s outlined in color red on his ribs. However, for whatever reason, perhaps after a boozeroo or losing a bet, a mother and baby panda, some grass, and bamboo designs were inked to the fore.

It may look like a hastened job to some degree, but there’s some meaning to it, though. Pandas are chubby, cute, and adorable creatures, yet can be dangerous, too. People choose panda tattoos for their adorable and fun-loving nature. They also symbolize good luck, calmness, strength, and peace.


Between the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, an American animated television series became widely popular, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles—credit to the producer. They are mutated turtles, resulting in the exposure to mutagen ooze, who grew up to be ninjas and named after Italian Renaissance Leonardo, Donatello, Michaelangelo, and Raphael. They are looked after and led by a rat named Splinter.

A lot of kids grew up and still appreciate the series, but nothing beats this guy when it comes to being a fan. You can readily guess that he’s a huge admirer of Michaelangelo’s character, inking the ninja turtle’s face on his nose. He’s really hooked, ain’t he? Michaelangelo, nicknamed Mike or Mikey, is depicted wearing an orange eye mask, with his signature weapons, dual nunchaku.
